
Mountain Valley Farms
& Lumber Products, Inc.

Taylor Trucking
1240 Nawakwa Road
Biglerville, PA 17307-9728
Ph: 717-677-6166 - Fax: 717-677-9283

Pallets and Pallet Products || Envirologs™ ||
Furniture Grade Lumber || Trucking Services



Mountain Valley Farms is a family-owned company located in the Appalachian hardwood region of South Central PA. They manufacture and provide:

PALLETS: Mountain Valley Farms and Lumber Products provide both hardwood and softwood pallets as well as new and used pallet products to clients large and small around the country. Mountain Valley pallets are quality pallets and Mountain Valley selects the finest hardwoods to insure that your pallets will last a long time.
MORE INFO - Pallets and Pallet Products

FURNITURE GRADE LUMBER: Since 1957, Mountain Valley Farms and Lumber Products has been finding quality stands of hardwood timber, harvesting them when the time is right, and cutting them to suit the market. The company is known for:

ENVIROLOGS™: Nearly every company that makes cabinets, furniture, homes or any wood product has a problem disposing of sawdust and scrap wood. This material usually ends up in a landfill at great cost to the public, the company and the environment. That's why Envirologs were invented!

Envirologs are made using waste wood that would otherwise be landfilled, providing an inexpensive source of heat. No toxic glues or binders are used to form Envirologs. Envirologs are extremely dense, so they burn hotter than cord wood and leave very little ash. There are no bugs, no messy bark and no dangerous sparks from Envirologs.
MORE INFO - Envirologs™

TRUCKING: Every day Taylor Trucking is on the road, hauling produce, wood products, food, paper, kindred products and other commodities to markets around the Northeast and to other areas in the USA, specializing in overnight delivery to New York and New Jersey.
MORE INFO - Trucking Services

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