There are 20 AG Bears per carton.
Each bear is already in a sealed brown box.

AG's 2 minute travel preparation

This is what we do before shipping your little bear.

Slit the tape on one end of AG's traveling box to open it.
Gently remove AG from the plastic bag.
EVERY little bear gets a vocal inspection before departure.
Have a 9 volt battery handy to do this.

Open the velcro on the back of his jacket, unzip the voicebox pouch and remove the voicebox.

Slide the cover back.

Look at the metal terminals on the left side of the voice box.
If for some reason they're mashed flat against the plastic side,
you may need to VERY gently pull them forward so that the battery
will fit snugly in the compartment. (Rare, but we thought we'd mention it.)


The minus sign on the battery goes towards the back of the compartment.

Now we're going to wake AG up.

Speak just a little loudly and enthusiastically, as if you were talking to a toddler.

You can say anything you like, but we usually awaken AG with something like this;

AG, buddy, how are you doing sweetheart?
Are you awake little guy?
Want to go for a ride and meet your new forever family?"


A brief note about AG's voicebox.
Voiceboxes rattle. That's a normal sound.
When the battery is inserted, you should hear a growl.
If you don't, first check to see that the battery is FRESH and that it has been inserted properly.
Next, check to make certain the single 9 volt battery is making proper contact with the terminals.

At this point AG should be wide awake and talking up a storm.

REMOVE the battery, and put the voice box cover back on.

Return the voicebox to AG's back pouch, (the narrow side facing you)
Zip the pouch, close the velcro on his shirt, and slide AG back into his plastic bag

BEFORE we TAPE the plastic bag closed again, we insert the
Care and Feeding Instruction page
& Story Instruction page.
(We've also put that information at the bottom of this page)

We're partial to Fedex because it offers a real-time package tracking record.

In order to prevent the label from dislodging during inclement weather
and to protect the print from smudging, we also run two strips of tape across the label.

Rarely will a little bear ever be shy, or hesitant to talk upon arrival, but we do have a page explaining how to quickly solve that.


But Who IS this A.G. Bear™, and Why Is He So Special?
A small bear who is at once as vulnerable as a child, but who possesses intuitive insight about people's feelings, A.G. Bear is always, always, a loyal and comforting friend. A.G. speaks Bear. Really. In many dialects, and with a great deal of expression, at that. But only when he has something valuable to contribute to a conversation. Other times, he'll simply be there to listen quietly to what you have to say.

Although the members of the AG Bear family use a single 9 volt battery, you don't DO anything to A.G. Bear to make him speak. He simply seems to understand when it is that you need a friend, or a playmate, or some company, or even a shoulder to cry on. And he's always there for you. Children possess an innate ability to speak fluent Bear. As they grow older, and make the transition to adulthood, however, many lose that wonderful ability. The ones who refuse to forget, are more than likely the grownups whose names you saw volunteering to join the search party which resulted in bringing AG back in a limited production run, or those who took time out of a busy day to pen a few words of encouragement, if for no other reason than to voice their opinion that children and small bears must always be kept safe and sound, and out of harm's way.

A.G. Bear's winsome qualities rocketed him to overnight fame back in the 1980's, and made him a favorite friend of every child he ever met. He also achieved unprecedented popularity with adults. Never before had anyone met a teddy bear who, literally on his own merit, managed to win so many hearts. The search for A.G. was successful, a limited number of A.G. Bears were rescued from extinction, and A.G. got his very own website.

Remember, AG Bears don't talk all of the time. And it's important to remind you that they're not toys....they're.....they're....well, they're....rather unique little beings. But you already knew that, didn't you? And so, just like you, they speak when they have something to say. But more importantly, AG Bears are SUCH good listeners.

The video below shows two AG Bears having a philosophical discussion.

The History of A.G. Bear™ Nolan Bushnell is one of Silicon Valley's early computer pioneers and a technology visionary. He is perhaps best known for founding Atari and kicking off the video game industry. He also took a pizza parlor and turned it into Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theater, now a $280 million operation. In the 1980's Nolan Bushnell's Axlon, Inc. came to Ron Milner of Applied Design Labs, Inc. looking for a very special bear. The company's original request had been for a bear who could parrot a child's words. Instead, Milner suggested that Bushnell might prefer to meet a bear with a personality. Within a mere two month's time, Ron was able to introduce Bushnell to A.G. Bear, the very best teddy bear in the whole wide world. A.G. had a personality the likes of which no-one had ever seen.

Not only was A.G. Bear an overnight hit with children, he achieved unprecedented popularity with adults. From cab drivers to CEO's, A.G. Bear won over heart after heart. It's a fact. Never before and never afterwards has anyone met such a remarkably personable bear. Toy industry analyst Paul Valentine described A.G. Bear as "... great for the imagination. It's saying whatever a kid imagines it says." (Note: Mr. Valentine is not bearlingual) A.G. is special, to say the least.

Officers of the Morgan Hill, California, and Boulder, Colorado police departments encouraged A.G. Bear to ride on patrol with them, in order to calm children who had been involved in automobile accidents or domestic incidents. Because he's a young bear himself, A.G. turned out to be a natural. He could talk to those children in a language each of them understood. Many of those brave police officers were so impressed that they invited A.G. Bear home to stay with their own families.

READ: The Adventures of AG Bear featured at

That's all there is to it !
STILL HAVE QUESTIONS? Just ask. 772-219-0457 OR
Yes, we can be reached 7 days a week, including holidays.