What do you see Amanda?
Ummm...I can see a pretty lady. She's
got a princess kind of crown on her head. And I hear a voice way far away saying something that
sounds like Duchess something. Ro...Roma...something like that.
What else do you see?
Describe it Amanda.
There's something all diamondy. Probably a pin.
And there's a giant blue stone. It's oval. No, that's
not right. The setting is oval. But the stone is almost diamond shape.
It's surrounded by a bunch of small diamonds and gold. Some of it is little
diamond shapes. Sort of filagree stuff. That's interesting. It looks like
a ring but it doesn't have the ring part. Only the top.
I feel like I'm moving. It's getting real dark and there's
a lot of sparkles again. They're sort of pulsing off and on.
Time to come back I think, Amanda.
What, I have to come back right NOW?
Yes, Amanda. HURRY! Right
Wow, it's pretty dark in here.
Oh Wow!. Check out all
this sparkly jewelry stuff !
It's just sort of floating in front of me!
It looks a little bit like that Thanksgiving thing, the whatchamacallit.
The horn of plenty.
Boy, that's huge! That blue stone is about the size of the......
What is it Amanda?