For the Busy Business-Parent

Whimsical Bedtime Stories for Children of All Ages

Stinky Bee Toes

One day on the way
to his barn to bail hay,
Farmer Joe saw a bee,
and the bee yelled out, "Hey!"

"Farmer Joe, sniff this rose,
for I fear that my nose
has broke. All I smell
are my stinky bee toes!"

Joe sniffed and said, "Whew!
Your nose works just fine.
If you smell what I smell,
it works fine just like mine."

Joe spit and he gagged.
"Where on earth have you been?"
Mr. Bee looked at Joe
while he scratched his small chin.

"This morning," he said,
"I got out of my bed,
Brushed my teeth, then I combed
the short hairs on my head.



"Then I looked for my shoes,
my new shoes that are blue,
and I saw they were covered
in stinky green goo.

"I knew stinky shoes
on my feet would not do,
so I found my RED shoes,
that I got from Ant Sue."

"Then I saw my red shoes
from Ant Sue would not do,
they too, had the same,
yucky, stinky green goo."



"So, shoeless, I flew
to this pretty blue rose,
but all I could smell
were my stinky bee toes."

Joe asked, "On your way,
did you stop on the ground?
Did you take a short break
on a green gooey mound?"

Mr. Bee said, "Oh yes!
When I can't find a tree,
I stop for a rest
on the first mound I see."

Joe thought, and he thought,
and he thought, then he said,
"You have all your colors
mixed up in your head.
This rose that you smell
is not blue, it is red.

"And I happen to know
that your shoes from Ant Sue,
are not what you thought,
they're not red, they are blue.

"And the goo on your shoes,
is the goo from the ground.
But those mounds on the ground
are not green, they are brown.

"There's just one more thing
I must tell you right now!
Those mounds on the ground
came from Bessie the Cow!"

Mr. Bee looked at Joe.
He turned red and said,"Oop!"
You mean I’ve been resting
on big piles of poop?"


Mr. Bee took a sniff,
then covered his nose.
Tears tumbled and dripped
to his stinky bee toes.

Joe thought, and he thought,
and he thought, then he said,
"It's ok, don't you worry
your silly bee head."

Joe said, "On the side
of the barn is a nail.
On the nail hangs a rusty,
rainwater filled pail.

"I know more than most,
but then everyone knows,
rainwater is best
to clean stinky bee toes."

But when Mr. Bee
found the pail on the nail,
He saw Mama Blue Jay
start to ruffle her tail.

She squawked, "No you don't!
Don't you dare. No! No! No!
Don't you stop to clean even
one stinky bee toe."

"This rainwater here serves
my babies and me.
So you leave us alone,
you old stinky-toed bee!"

Joe thought, and he thought,
and he thought, then he said,
"It's ok, don't you worry
your silly bee head."

"On the porch of the house
is a dented tin pot."
But then Barney the Beagle
barked out, "I think not!"

"I drink from that pot
and you shall not expose,
"My fresh drinking water
to stinky bee toes.

The sad situation
of Mr. Bee's toes,
had spread and Joe said,
"I think everyone knows."


The pigs and the chickens,
the sheep and the crows,
All guarded their water
from Mr. Bee's toes.


Mr. Bee sadly asked,
"What do we do now?"
Then they heard a loud "Moo"
come from Bessie the Cow.

Bessie said, "There's a place,
it's where every cow goes,
"You see, even we,
sometimes get stinky toes."

"It's my fault," Bessie said
with a smile, looking meek.
"We can wash off your stinky bee feet
in the creek."

Mr. Bee finally washed
all his stinky bee toes,
and he no longer has
to keep holding his nose

He’s learned four of his colors,
Red, Blue, Green and Brown.
And he’s learned not to step
in brown mounds on the ground.

The end.



A little bit about Bees and color:
In the poem above it sounded like our Stinky Bee buddy might have been color-blind, which is why he got his colors mixed up, thinking red was blue and that sort of thing. Well, Stinky Bee was a funny story but the color part wasn't real. Bees have very good eyesight, but did you know that real bees actually cannot see the color red? What they can see quite well though, are "landing zones" on a red flower, IF it happens to be an ultraviolet flower. Yes! Ultra-violet flowers exist!! The kind where if you shine a black light on them, you can see them display a different color! Want to see some pictures of flowers under both regular as well as ultraviolet light?

A little bit about humans and color-blindness: Color blindness, or color vision deficiency, is the inability or decreased ability to see color, or perceive color differences, under normal lighting conditions. Quite a few humans have this. There is no actual blindness, of course, but there is a deficiency of color vision. What that basically means is that to someone who is color blind, they might simply see a color differently than someone who is not color blind might see it. The picture below shows you the difference:


Protanopia and deuteranopia are very similar, but there is a subtle
difference between the two if you look very carefully.

There's now a solution for red-green color-blindness:
Enchroma glasses
Click on the photo to see what happens when people see color for the first time.


Oh my goodness!
Mr. Bee stinks AGAIN!
What could it be THIS time?

One day on the way
to his barn to bail hay,
Farmer Joe saw a bee
And the bee yelled out, "Hey!"

Mr. Bee said, "I think
My bee nose might be broke.
There's a smell that I smell,
and it's making me choke."

Joe asked, "Do you think
It's your stinky bee toes?"
Mr. Bee said, "Oh, no.
I think everyone knows,"

That I'm wearing my new purple,
stinky proof boots,
And my goggles that show me
where Bessie Cow poops."

"It smells much the same,
but it comes and it goes.
So I'm sure that it's not
from my stinky bee toes."

Just then a small wind
Drifted up to Joe's nose.
And it smelled like before,
Just like stinky bee toes.

Joe sniffed and said, "Whew!
Your nose works just fine.
If you smell what I smell,
it works fine, just like mine."

Joe spit and he gagged.
He asked, "Where have you been?"
Mr. Bee looked at Joe
While he scratched his small chin.

"This morning," he said,
I got out of my bed,
Brushed my teeth, then I combed
The short hairs on my head."

"Then I put on my new purple,
stinky proof boots,
And my goggles that show me
where Bessie Cow poops."

"I was flying along,
when the stinky smell came.
Just WHAT is this bad small,
and just who is to blame?"

Joe thought, and he thought,
and he thought, then he said,
"It's ok, don't you worry
your silly bee head."

I'm sure by the end
of the day we will know.
"I'm sure you're ok.
Now I really must go."

Mr. Bee waved good-bye,
He flew past and said, "Hi,"
to Mama blue jay,
soaring high in the sky.

She was teaching her baby
blue jays how to fly.
When the smell came again
And they started to cry.

Mama squawked, "Get away
From my babies and me!
You stink! Go away!
Go away stinky bee!"

Mr. Bee said, "I have on
My stinky proof boots,
And my goggles that show me
where Bessie Cow poops."

He told her, "The stinky smell
Comes and it goes,
So I'm sure that it's not
from my stinky bee toes."

Mama Jay shook her head,
And she said, "I don't care!"
I want you to leave!
Please don't stink up my air!"

Mr. Bee flew away,
he flew by and said, "Hi,"
To Barney the Beagle,
Who said, "Me oh my,

What a beautiful day,
Let's go lay in the hay."
But the smell came again,
And he barked, "Go away!"

Barney covered his nose,
Then he barked, "Leave me be!"
"Go away with that smell.
Go away stinky bee!"

Mr. Bee said, "I have on
my stinky-proof boots,
And my goggles that show me
where Bessie Cow poops."

He told him, "The stinky smell
comes and it goes,
So I'm sure that it's not
from my stinky bee toes."

But Barney the Beagle
barked out, "I don't care!"
I want you to leave!
Please don't stink up my air!"

Mr. Bee flew away,
he flew by and said, "Hi,"
To the rest of his friends,
but they yelled, "Fly on by!"

The pigs and the chickens,
the sheep and the crows,
All yelled, "We don't care
if it comes and it goes!"

They yelled, "Please don't argue,
we really don't care!
You stink! Go away,
and don't stink up our air!"

Mr. Bee flew away.
The smell flew away too.
Then he found Farmer Joe
And asked, "What should I do?"

Joe asked Mr. Bee,
"Have you eaten today?
Did you stop in for lunch
at Ant Sue's Café?"

Mr. Bee said, "It's true,
I dropped in on Ant Sue,
"And I had a big bowl
of her tasty bean stew."

Joe thought, and he thought,
And he thought, then he said,
"It's ok, don't you worry
your silly bee head."

"The stink doesn't come
from your stinky bee toes.
I know this because
the smell comes and it goes."

"And the stink doesn't come
from your stinky proof boots,
It comes from bean stew,
you have stinky bee poots!

"If you want to stop pooting,
here's what you must do,
Say 'no thanks', or add Beano,
to Ant Sue's bean stew."

The end. Again.



STINKY BEE TOES - Karen Byrum- Copyright 1999

About the Author: Karen Byrum lives in Kansas City, Missouri with her Carin Terrier, Sami, and her English Shepherd/Rottweiler, Maggie May (yes, she was named after the character in one of her stories, and she is just as adventurous!) and Misty Lou Hoo, the snobbiest cat north of the Missouri River! Her fiancé, Jon Martin, is a wonderfully kind deaf man and is the inspiration for an upcoming web site for Deaf Tots, due to air in July of 1999. Rhyming stories are her passion and she sleeps every night with a Dr. Seuss Grinch doll. (And that's the truth!")

Interim Illustrations Courtesy of Bedtime-Story

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Karen Byrum 1229 E. 21st. Ave. North Kansas City, MO. 64116 (816) 471-1472