Professional Engineering Firm
Registration and FAQ

A growing number of Engineering Firms recognize the value and importance of generating preliminary confidence in their firm's ability to provide professional Engineering services. This free, consumer-oriented directory provides the opportunity to introduce your firm. It also acts as a gateway, allowing you to further demonstrate your firms educational credentials and professional expertise.

A brief explanation of purpose for Today's Professional Engineer :

Todays Professional Engineer is designed to function much like Yahoo (et al), as a courtesy research tool, but profession-specific, and providing more informative profile information.



There is no cost to either establish or maintain a presence on Todays Professional Engineer.

If your Engineering firm has an existing web page, there is an automatic hyperlink from your listing to your web site as a professional courtesy.

For those firms who do not yet have a web page, an option has been provided to request expanded online visibility in the form of a mini-web-site. In this manner, an engineering firm will be permitted to reach prospective clients/customers online, providing detailed firm/product/services information without the delay and expense of generating a full web site. The cost is $25/mo. Complete information is available below in the FAQ section.

Frequently Asked Questions

Today's Professional Engineer is offering expanded online visibility. Is it reasonably priced?.

We've gone out of our way to make it so. Expanded online visibility is $25. month (annual).

What will that provide and what will it look like?

Think of it as a mini-web site with e-mail interaction, automatically linked from your firm's primary information. You may describe your firm in your own words, and point out it s expertise. Keep your description at about half a typewritten page. We'll provide a clean, crisp professional format in which to present it.

But what do you charge to create the mini-web site?

There is no other charge.

What do you charge for updates to that site?

No charge for minor periodic changes such as address or telephone updates.

Suppose we need a much larger site, a complete, complex, multi section site--one that will be linked from Todays Professional Engineer..what's the cost of that?.

We'll be happy to create your web site for you . We charge $35./hr plus direct costs for items such as scans or original artwork. For those desiring full-scale, independent domains, you may expect to incur additional charges from InterNIC ($70. covers the first two years) as well as a monthly charge (typically $20.) from the ISP who will host your freestanding the site.

What about time frame?

We work pretty fast. It simply depends on the complexity of the site you want created.

Who owns the content of the independent site?

You do.

Who owns the copyright?

Again, you do

If the mini-web site at $10/mo.will provide more than sufficient exposure for our firm, what should we plan to include on it?

The purpose of your site is to familiarize a potential client with the firm's complete professional qualifications. Plan to give educational background of principals, professional qualifications, designations, and affiliations, along with brief personal profiles if desired. Generally speaking, an interactive offer for an e-mail or telephone consultation is a positive gesture, considered inviting to an individual in search of qualified engineering expertise. It also allows your firm to review the correspondence at any point that's convenient during the day or evening.

If your firm does require a larger-scale, privately owned Web Domain , you may wish to take this opportunity to check domain name availability. Your Domain is automatically linked to your listing in The Professional Engineer. There is no charge for either your link, or your directory listing in The Professional Engineer. Select a Domain name and check availability now.

(You are leaving The Professional Engineer Directory at Home Office Mall. Use your browser's "Go Back" function to return when finished checking domain name)

Our company provides products and/or services to Engineering firms. We're interested in advertising our company to the Engineering firms registering at this site. We'd also like to have our ad hyperlinked to our own web site. What are the rates and what is the procedure?

Classified Ad Rates are $10/per line per month. Logos included $10/mo. Courtesy link to your web site. No web site? Expanded online visibility $25/mo. (annual) professionally brochures your firm's capabilities. Automatic e-mail link included. The Professional Appraiser reserves the right to decline any ad it deems inconsistent with the professional nature of this site. Contact Susan at 561-219-0455
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