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See a link that needs fixing? Please TELL US.

The Handy Book of Stuff You Used To Know
Weights, Measures, Metric Conversions, etc.

You still recall all that "am-is-are-was..." stuff you memorized in school (Either nobody explained WHY, or if they DID, you were looking out the window.) But once in a while you still slip up and use the wrong word... To, Too, Two, There, Their, They're, Were, We're, Then, Than, Further, Farther.... HEY! A lot of people are reading your work. Get it together!


GRAPHICS: About those S-L-O-W loading web sites?. Don't let yours be one of them. GIF Wizard Image Reduction is an online utility that checks your site for bloated graphics and broken links. If you're a subscriber to GIF Wizard, you can instantly reduce the size of your site's images. As an inducement to get you to sign up, GIF Wizard will provide a free scan of 10 pages on your web site. Home Office Mall recommends GIF Wizard. It's an absolutely superb tool. Don't just take our word for it, try it yourself . We think you'll like it as much as we do. Hey it's free. See how your site measures up! Enter the URL of your site for a free efficiency survey. GIF Wizard will check the efficiency of the HTML and graphics on the first 10 pages of your site. In our considered opinion, you should just make it a part of your tool-kit right this minute.
GIF Wizard Free Site Survey!
See how your website measures up - try our free Site Survey!


If you're doing a personal home page for yourself or your family, go ahead, live it up. There are ad driven sites such as GeoCities, on which you can try your hand for free. Yes, the ads they insist on erecting on your page will be intrusive and tacky, the address you're assigned will shout "free personal homepage", and no, you can't control what type of ads your host displays on your page, but what the heck. These sites fall into the category of "personal expression" and are judged accordingly. Relax, nobody takes free sites seriously, so it doesn't matter if the design of your site is vaguely reminiscent of an acid-trip gone awry and you've got some clown's ad for feminine hygeine products or kitty litter flashing overhead. So what? And, if you have a slightly offbeat sense of humor and want to build a site just for fun, that's OK too. Go ahead, express yourself. You can't hurt a thing.


How are your writing skills? A little rusty? Well, an awful lot of people are going to be reading your work. You might want to make sure that the impression you give them is a good one. Here's an incredibly handy page that you'll definitely want to bookmark. Let it act as a quick reference sheet. Quick and Simple English Resources- Spelling, Grammar, Conjunctions, it even has handy tips on often mispronounced words.


Here you have a whole different ballgame. For a serious business, a do-it-yourself site can be the equivalent of shooting yourself in the foot. Yes, your customers can instantly tell the difference. First impressions DO count, and your competitors' site is just a click away. Use the pricing tutorial below to get the feel of what you should and shouldn't have to pay, then get somebody who actually knows what they're doing to give you a hand. Make sure your business site has the polish it needs to earn the confidence of your customers.




Do think again.
A "pro" is NOT someone who is technically savvy but can't spell, is vague on grammar, hasn't a clue about writing decent copy, doesn't understand the first thing about design, the psychology of site navigation, or effective marketing techniques. Here's a link giving website costs for Industry. Between this link and the tutorial referenced above, which gives costs considered typical for Corporate web sites, you ought to have a decent overview of the entire process.


A bit like cutting your own hair. Yeah, you CAN do it, but you had BEST have the html training AS WELL AS solid writing and marketing skills before you start, because do-it-yourselfers can accidentally blitz their ENTIRE website with nothing more lethal than a single key stroke. Example

The downside of HTML Conversion programs is that they are notorious for inserting so many superfluous commands that when you finally DO throw your hands up and call in a professional to unsnarl the mess, the liklihood is quite high that the whole thing will be so far gone it's rendered unsalvagable. Which means that the whole site will likely have to be built all over again, right from scratch.

OK, that said, most professionals use a COMBINATION of raw HTML programming (basic HTML knowledge is absolutely necessary), along with ALL of the following or similar products, which includes SEVERAL conversion programs, (because there's currently not a single one on the market that can do it all and still get it right). Professionals go back and forth between several tools to achieve the desired results. A decent package of tools (without spending an arm and a leg) can run anywhere from $600. to $1500. A toolbox typically includes: Microsoft Word (or) Word Perfect, plus WordPad for raw HTML coding, (the only way to over-ride conversion commands), plus two or three of the following: Hot Dog, Microsoft Front Page, Netscape Editor, DreamWeaver, Home Site, plus Paint Shop Pro, Corel, or higher end graphics programs, specialty graphics and/or animations programs if desired, plus WSFTP or similar FTP client. Once you determine which you prefer, you'll have to sit down and take the time learn how to USE all of it. You'll also need to arrange for off-site back-up of your files.

Now, assuming you have either a job to do or a business to run, you should determine just how valuable your own time is. You're going to be working for about $25/hr. If that makes sense, and you've got a LOT of time, go for it. But....if your time is more valuable than that, and if your company image counts, DO call in a reasonably priced pro. You'll be glad you did.


One of the most user-friendly color charts is here:


NetLingo - Cookie??? What do you mean, cookie?

Learning the Net.


What are they? That's when the web site on your screen is divided into more than one section.
Here's an example:

What the reason for them?
- Two-fold. First, if there's a banner ad or a product being featured, it permits that item to remain in view while you see other things on the site. Second, it offers a handy location for links to most requested pages on a site. The more sophisticated websites will offer you an alternative, allowing you to view the site as a full screen, without the frames. On the above referenced site, the choice is located at the top of the left frame.

What's the downside of frames?
- Suppose you click on a link to a separate site you'd rather see it full-screen instead of within the confines of the alotted viewing area? If the webmaster didn't give you the option to escape, you can't even figure out the address of the site you're interested in. When the option to escape is there, you'll generally find it by scrolling to the the top or bottom of the frame on your left. Occasionally the link will be on the larger page.

What can you do about it if you're trapped in a frame and you can't find an escape or view full screen link?
This is easy. Just position your cursor on the frame you'd like to view as a full screen. Click on it with your RIGHT mouse button, then select BOOKMARK or FAVORITE SITE. Once you've done that, go to your list of bookmarks or favorite sites, and the page you want to see will be the most recent entry. Click on the that bookmark, and Viola! Problem solved.

What if everything looks all squashed or you can't see half the words on a frame?
(or a page, for that matter) There can be three reasons for this.

(1) Your personal monitor setting. The typical viewing area on a 15 to 17" monitor is 600 x 800. If YOUR monitor is smaller (14") OR, if you've got it set to make the print on your 15 to 17" screen look larger, you've probably got your own monitor set at a 400 x 600 display. Just change Settings to reflect your current monitor make, and slide the adjuster bar until it reads 600 x 800 (this is the current norm throughout the web). Problem solved.

(2) The individual who created the site may have been looking at it on a 21" screen and without thinking, sized everything for his/her own benefit instead of designing the page for the benefit of the viewing majority.

(3) You may be looking at the page on a compact laptop screen. Most webmasters will try to design a page to view much the same on any screen, but there's an awfully big difference between 9" and 21", so designers typically take the middle of the road with the 600x800 viewing area.


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