The Executive

Below on this page you'll find informal factory digital shots of a custom Executive model with Maple veneer, as it was being built in Atlanta. These shots show the interior prior to installation of the overdesk and lower right cabinetry, and prior to the installation of the overdesk monitor lift itself.

Digital photos are still in their infancy, and there's a certain measure of distance distortion, but from a virtual inspection capability standpoint, it's ideal. It permits us to keep tabs on daily manufacturing at various of the factories, without the necessity of jumping on airplanes every other day.

Here, in the second shot, for example, the digital inspection photos showed us that lower left file drawer had not been built according to spec. While the space was undoubtedly handy, this particular model was not the customer order which was to have had the *paper storage compartment located beneath the file drawer.

Custom doors, custom crown, etc. are shown on the special order Executive model displayed above. Locking doors are equal size on the Executive model, which varies from the small/large work-table doorstyle found on the CEO. For specifics on differences between CEO and Executive models, refer to the feature comparison chart.

*Paper storage compartment shown below file drawer at left.

Cabinetry and monitor lift not yet installed in main cabin at time of this shot

Printer shelf shown extended. Glide-out task area (not visible in this photo), is located immediately beneath printer glider.

Letter/Legal file drawer shown extended.

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