The SummerWood Partnership  
Quietly Changing The Way The World Reads  

Logical, Practical, Electronic Publishing Solutions, With Illumination

The Books - The Reader™ - The Kiosks
The Schools - The Future



A quick snapshot of what's discussed here:

(1) Illumination Thoughtware™ for e-book publishing (of particular interest to major traditional, educational, and paperback publishers and distributors - such as Ingram, Macmillan, Dell, Scholastic, etc.)

(2) Bedtime-Story, the web's premiere children's story site.

(3) User-friendly reader mechanisms, LunchBOOK and The Reader.

(4) The Learning Stationfor Education and Training
(and as a docking station).

Creation of books in e-book format

WHY IS THIS PARTICULARLY IMPORTANT TO TRADITIONAL PUBLISHERS? This is the ONLY software designed to protect the interests of both the publisher and the publisher's customer, the end-user.

IS THERE A TRACK RECORD? YES!. Development of Illumination began nearly ten years ago. Though today's features are more sophisticated, (we're now up to Version 7 and a ground-breaking announcement will be made before the end of 1999), not only today's books, but even the very earliest books ever created in Illumination can be read equally well on EITHER a vintage computer, or a brand new computer. No special software is necessary to read an Illumination book. You may either download a book from the web, receive it as an e-mail attachment, or simply pop a floppy into your computer, and that's that.

Most importantly, while it IS Windows compatible, it is NOT Windows dependent . It is not HTML dependent. Unlike Adobe or other such programs it REQUIRES NO SOFTWARE WHATSOEVER TO BE DOWNLOADED IN ORDER TO READ THE BOOKS.

It NEVER NEEDS SOFTWARE UPGRADES to continue reading the same e-book over the years. Each book is complete with its own reader software. This ALLOWS BOOK COLLECTIONS TO BE BUILT IN LIBRARIES, SCHOOLS, BUSINESSES AND HOMES. Consumers can be confident that the e-books they purchase today will not be rendered obsolete by tomorrow's technological advancements.

(Windows, which is constantly changing, and the staggering array of XML and HTML add-ons and browser plug-ins, such as JAVA, Shockwave and the like, require a viewer to constantly upgrade computer software, just to be able to view websites or archived word processor files. Such is not the case here. Improvements, are simply incorporated on new e-books, without affecting viability of earlier e-books).

Illumination e-books can be read equally well by any IBM compatible computer, going as far back as a 386, and having absolutely minimal disk space. Users may expect no loss in speed. A 400 page novel with one hundred illustrations will fit on a standard floppy disk or can be transmitted by e-mail nearly instantaneously.

The information which follows will provide background and a detailed overview.

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