About the PAINTINGS featured here: The style of paintings chosen to be offered here is often quite eclectic. Florals, landscapes, portraits, seascapes, Victorian, impressionistic. We have have two primary requirements: It must be a 100% hand painted, and it must possess that particular magnetic quality that calls you back to admire it again and again. A painting does not have to be painted by a listed artist for us to like it. We believe good art should be judged on its own merit. That said, quite often we discover that the paintings we have chosen have an interesting background, as well as a particularly talented creator, and we make it a point to share that information with you. Paintings of interest will be considered for display on consignment. Call us at 772-219-0457 or send email to info@TreasureCoastJewelers.com. Many paintings featured here may also be purchased on layaway. |
ORIGINAL OIL PAINTING: Hauntingly beautiful original oil painting. Its age is estimated at perhaps 30 to 40 years. A beautiful woman gazes pensively at a vase of fresh cut flowers, yet her mind is a thousand miles away from the dressing room. She wears a rich, amethyst colored dressing gown. A dark towel is loosely turbaned about her hair, partially shielding her eyes..... and her thoughts....... |
ORIGINAL OIL PAINTING: Gloucester Harbor Painting in its frame measures 16" x 20". Circa 1970's - 1990's. |
View the next page containing an additional group of Impressionistic Paintings by Mahlon Cline. |
ORIGINAL OLD OIL PAINTING: Artist: W. Riley Subject: Landscape - Lighthouse This is BIG vintage Florida oil painting (It measures 53" x 41") of a lighthouse with a fascinating past. Our research indicates that this is a rare, original oil painting of the 1825 Cape Florida Lighthouse on Key Biscayne, Florida (the original 1825 lighthouse was attacked and burned by Seminole Indians in 1838, replaced by the one you see standing today, which makes this painting a unique collectors item). Until acquired from the estate, this painting had been hanging in its former owners winter home. The well executed oil painting looks to have been reframed sometime in the 1950's. Subject matter, based on research and private collection photos/sketches is unquestionably 1800's and physical characteristics unique to this specific lighthouse correspond to non-public data. Although we have neither the equipment nor expertise to definitively date the painting, we have performed exhaustive research and conferred with lighthouse historians, the results of which are provided here for your review. Item#cg-riley $950. SOLD |
ORIGINAL OIL PAINTING: Artist: Rittla EUROPEAN - 1930's Subject: Landscape - Fall colors are evident in this tree covered pathway which winds its way along the water. Intriguing and very appealing artistic style, a broader brushed pointilism. It measures 15" W x 21" L. $950. c-ml-Rittla About the Artist: Bavarian artist, Rittla |
WATERCOLOR: The Jester |
WATERCOLOR: Villa Lago |
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