A Perceptive Summary Of The 2012 Presidential Campaign

There is a nasty element in this country that is both offensive and patently un-American.

They are today's Republicans.


These are the people who advocate allowing the death of someone who cannot afford health insurance. These are the people who stood by without intervention as people cheered the idea of allowing an uninsured person to die, rather than give him medical help. These are the people who again stood by without intervention when a gay serviceman was booed. These are the people who cheer about the deaths of others via execution, despite overwhelming DNA evidence that has proved, way too often, that the wrong person has been incarcerated.

These are the people with a puzzling and dangerous love affair with gun ownership who mindlessly recite the Second Amendment and side with the NRA by ignoring the glaring truth that we are killing our children and citizens in record numbers. These are the people who don’t seem to realize that we are no longer fighting the British or the Spanish and that lax gun laws and equally lax people actually cause the deaths of innocent people. These are the people who won’t take their heads out of the sand and their greedy sticky blood-stained fingers off the dirty money being directed to their coffers via the gun lobby, despite the carnage around them. These are the people who are complicit in all the deaths via guns in this country, because of their inaction. These are the people who shamelessly put Party and re-election before the lives of innocent people. These are the people who believe that votes and donations from gun owners and gun lobbies are more important than human life. These are the people who give all the rights to the gun owners as we die because of them.

These are the people who traditionally prefer war over diplomacy, often because their donors are those that provide the various tools and equipment needed by the military. These are the people who would rather stand with their wealthy donors as our military personnel die in battle. These are the people whose loyalty lies with their rich donors and not with the general population. These are the people who do not want to share their good fortune (via taxes or whatever) with those less fortunate.

These are the people with no compassion who would deny unemployment benefits to those out of work, or health and other government benefits to those who have fallen on hard times. These are the people who stuff their mouths full of food as they deny those that are hungry and settle into their warm beds as others freeze on their beds of concrete.

These are the people who believe that all people who accept government help are lazy. These are the people who do not understand (or appreciate that but for the grace of God go they) that not everyone is capable of helping themselves, often because of mental health issues, physical incapacitation, severe health problems and circumstances that they are in through no fault of their own.

These are the people who do not realize that the difference between a civilized country and one that is not, is that the civilized country helps its fellow man and does not allow its citizens to die or wither on the vine of apathy. These are the people who do not comprehend the notion that when you help the needy get back on their feet, you are also helping the country get back on its feet. `

These are the people and corporations who can well afford to help their fellow man by paying their fair share of taxes, but won’t. These are the people who question the validity of President Obama’s birth certificate and imply their superiority on the basis of skin color and ethnic origin. `

These are the people who are allowing the rich to enjoy their privileges and tax loopholes on the backs of the poor and middle classes. These are the people who expend hours of energy pursuing even more tax breaks for the rich man, whilst the poor and middle classes run this country with taxes that are higher than those of that rich man. These are the people who will have you believe that corporations are people. These are the people who would do away with the minimum wage.

These are the people who have no thought about the dangerous consequences of closing down Planned Parenthood offices and abortion clinics. These are the people who obviously do not care that women’s health and lives will be impacted and threatened by the closure of Planned Parenthood and abortion clinics. These are the people who do not understand that women will die, either by their own hand or at the hands of an unsafe, medically unqualified person if abortion is made illegal. These are the people who do not offer to take in any unwanted children that will result from their outdated convictions. These are the people who would force a woman to give birth to the child of her rapist or father and allow a woman to die rather than abort a pregnancy which would save her life.

These are the people who treat women with contempt and expect them to accept that they should not expect equal pay with men for equal work done. These are the people who would assault women with vaginal probes and bully and insult them with outdated and dangerous ideas. These are the people who would deny contraception to women. These are the people who believe that rape is just “another method of conception” and put forward the idea that a “legitimate rape” prevents a woman becoming pregnant and that “some women rape easy (sic)” and that pregnancy resulting from rape is “something that God intended to happen.” These are the people whose Vice-Presidential nominee commented on rape with the words that he was proud of his stand on abortion and that “the method of conception does not change the definition of life”.

These are the people who believe that abortions are “absolutely never medically necessary to save the life of a mother or protect her health, thanks to advances in science and technology.” These are the people who do not believe women should be protected from violence, as evidenced by their dismissal of a bill pertaining to this subject.

These are the people who would interfere in a woman’s rights over her own body and will not accept that abortion is a medical procedure and like any other medical procedure, it is a private matter between the doctor and patient and absolutely nothing to do with anyone else or any politician that happens to disapprove of it. These are the people who refuse to accept the reality that abortion will never go away, however much they huff and puff, and women have many reasons for requesting one and none of these reasons are anyone else’s business.

These are the people do not understand that if their Presidential nominee and his Party are allowed to intrude into their bedroom and doctor’s office on the private matter of abortion, then other private medical procedures and medical decisions are fair game.
These are the people who decide that certain segments of the population are not worthy of consideration because of their color, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, sex, wealth, age or health.

These are the people who promote discrimination, bigotry, racism and sexism and by doing so incite violence and hatred. These are the people who are complicit in the murders, suicides and maiming of people because their despicable and arrogant views impress the unstable in our society. These are the people who would look at the next man and decide he is not their equal because he does not live up to their ideals. These are the people who would deny the right of a gay or transgender couple to marry, but expect a gay military man to lay down his life for them. These are the people who think that they Love better or bleed brighter blood than gay people.

These are the people who use Christianity as a tool to impress the ignorant, and who stand under its umbrella as they dispense cheerful pronouncements about doing away with social and health programs for the less fortunate. These are the people who do not understand that Jesus would never have discriminated or denied help to the needy.

These are the people with wealth, coverage by a government health insurance plan and fully employed, who would callously deny others these same privileges. These are the people who are promoting the myth about the so-called evils of big government/government intrusion, whilst stretching their own government-backed tentacles into numerous areas in this country to cut back on essential, life-saving government jobs and infrastructure, education and teachers, firemen, police, and other first responders, etc., in order to have more in their coffers for themselves and their rich donors. These are the people who would go into your bedroom and doctor’s office to dictate your choices and often punish you for them, whilst at the same time decrying “big” government. These are the people who are ignorant of the many wonderful services and programs that government provides and that they take for granted every day.

These are the people who promote privatization which will ultimately benefit their rich donors, but will not concede that often profits and greed get in the way of people’s needs. These are the people who deny basic human rights that are integral to this country’s welfare and safety, such as the ability to fight for rights on the job and vote without discrimination or hardship.

These are the people who, on behalf of their big business donors, would do away with all safety and safety net regulations for big business, banks, etc., because these government regulations get in the way of profits and require businesses to live up to basic standards that protect the people of this country. These are the people obstructing bills and dismantling programs initiated by the other Party that would help this country get back on its feet, whilst accepting taxpayer funded salaries as people die and suffer because of their inaction. These are the people whose stated first priority is to bring down President Obama and to this end, they will sacrifice the people’s lives and needs in order to achieve this.

These are the people who wave the flag for their Presidential nominee as he tells them he is unemployed (and by implication, feels their pain) whilst bragging about his wife’s two Cadillacs and making $10,000 bets. These are the people who accept their Presidential nominee when he arrogantly and stupidly asserts that any criticism of him stems from people’s envy of his wealth. These are the people who put Party before the citizens of this country.

These are the people who will not acknowledge the many achievements of President Obama and will disrespect him by questioning his eligibility and love of country, call him a liar and spit out racially-charged verbal and printed assaults. These are the people whose Presidential nominee arrogantly and pompously disrespected the President of the USA and the female moderator at the second Debate. These are the people whose Presidential nominee has been accused of bullying and rude behavior, particularly towards women.

These are the people who lie constantly and robotically, even in the face of indisputable evidence that their words are false. These are the people whose Presidential nominee pretends his love for the middle class in the face of a videoed fund raiser showing him disparaging the middle class and accusing all his opponent’s supporters of feeling entitled to government help. These are the people whose Presidential nominee feels he and his rich buddies are entitled to even more tax cuts and will take the country hostage to achieve this.

These are the people who prey on the gullible, uninformed and vulnerable with fear-based lies. These are the people who pretend that global warming and other environmental issues are non-existent, because their wealthy backers are not interested in expending money on innovative ideas that would leave the world a safer and better place for our children.

These are the people who won’t admit Bush’s culpability in our economic woes and will not acknowledge their Party’s role in stonewalling the current Administration’s attempts to rectify, through obstruction of bills. These are the people who had a significant role in the devaluation of this country’s credit rating.

These are the people whose hearts are so cold that they would punish the children of illegal immigrants. These are the people who won’t acknowledge the need to overhaul the current immigration system by granting illegal immigrants and their families some sort of legal status. These are the people who would deny these immigrants an opportunity to continue productive, law-abiding lives in this country, giving them a legitimate pathway to work whilst paying Federal and State taxes. These are the people who would prefer to inflict their cruel and unsympathetic stance and discriminatory policies on those seeking a better life.

These are the people who think health reform is “unconstitutional”. These are the people who would stand in the way of a much-needed Single Payer health insurance system, which should intelligently evolve out of the ACA. These are the people with health insurance themselves who would deny the right of those without to be covered through such a system that would be cost-effective, life-saving, bring peace of mind to many and provide insurance for EVERYONE. These are the people who will deny that Single Payer would allow people to keep their health insurance on job loss and take away the pressure from employers to provide health insurance. These are the people who would tell you that any government health plan is unconstitutional and would deny that any taxation to pay for this would be far less than the exorbitant premiums people now pay to the greedy private health insurers.

These are the people who have been brainwashed to believe that government is the enemy, but don’t realize they are cutting their own throats with their silly parroting of their Party’s stances. These are the people who would rather stand with their huge private health insurer donors at the expense of people’s lives.

These are the people who are guilty of voter suppression (of minorities and mostly Democratic voters), using the weak and transparent “fraud” argument, because they are unable to fight fairly and decently. These are the people who continue to lie about the other Party weakening work requirement laws for welfare when leading newspapers and other groups have debunked this claim. These are the people who blamed the other Party for closing down a GM car plant which was closed down under the Bush Administration. These are the people touting less government interference but will scream if they don’t receive their government-provided Social Security check or be unable to ride that government bus or train or travel that highway to work.

These are the people who have scant or no regard for facts.

These are the people who are shamelessly taking taxpayers’ money for doing nothing. These are the people who obstruct initiatives and bills put forward by the other Party which would help our country get back on its feet. These are the people who do not want this country or its President to succeed and will allow men and women to suffer in order to achieve this goal. These are the people who put Party before Country or the People.

These are the people supporting a Presidential nominee who will not surrender his tax returns for scrutiny. These are the people supporting a Presidential nominee who expects them to pay more tax than him and his wealthy buddies. These are the people supporting a Presidential nominee who hides his considerable wealth in tax havens overseas, in order to avoid paying his fair share of taxes in this country as you dutifully pay yours.

These are the people who are supporting a Presidential nominee who cannot possibly identify with the problems of the average man, however much he pretends to care. These are the people supporting a Presidential nominee who has never wanted for anything in his life. These are the people who are supporting a Presidential nominee whose wife’s idea of compassion is that her husband helped the Olympic Games (“If that’s not compassion, I don’t know what is”) and whose rich supporters think that those who are not in their financial bracket are the “common people” and that they are the “VIPs” (remarks at a fundraiser).

These are the people who are supporting a Presidential nominee whose wife also thinks that women are not interested in their reproductive rights and a son who expressed a wish to “take a swing” at the President after the second Debate. These are the people whose Presidential nominee would take women back to the 1950s (no support for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act) by preventing them receiving equal pay with men for equal work and having control over their own health issues and reproductive rights (no support for Roe v. Wade).

These are the people who don’t question why female Republican politicians don’t stand with their sisters as they and their male colleagues take away women’s health and employment rights. These are the people who support making criminals of women who seek abortions. These are the people whose Presidential nominee seems uncomfortable with the notion of women in the workforce and awkwardly talked about “lists of women in binders” in the second Debate which he mysteriously seemed to believe shows his support of women. These are the people supporting a Presidential nominee whose Party’s obsession with women’s bodies and women’s reproductive rights borders on obscene.

These are the people who support a Party that condemns important medical research including stem cell research and its life-saving potential.

These are the people who are supporting a Presidential nominee whose wealthy supporters (remarks at a fundraiser) believe that receipt of a low income makes a person “uneducated” and unable to think rationally about “the system”. These are the people who believe their Presidential nominee when he pretends to care about jobs, as his Party is systematically cutting jobs all over the country and closing down clinics and businesses.

These are the people who blindly accept that their Presidential nominee is qualified to run the country on the basis of his employment with Bain Capital. These are the people who ignore the evidence that their Presidential nominee has destroyed lives and jobs in order to enrich himself and has shipped jobs overseas for the same reason. These are the people who do not realize that their Presidential nominee could easily have financially helped those left in distress after he closed down companies, but he chose to ignore them and threw them to the wolves. These are the people who trust their Presidential nominee when he appears on a number of television programs robotically and unconvincingly asserting he had nothing to do with Bain Capital after 1999, even though his signature as Chairman/sole shareholder is on documents after that date.

These are the people supporting a Presidential nominee who fails miserably and unforgivably to censure members and supporters of his Party as they insult young females and females who dare to speak up for women’s rights, make racist and bigoted remarks and defy and insult their President. These are the people supporting a Presidential nominee whose gods are luminaries such as Rush Limbaugh, Grover Norquist, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Paul Ryan (now a Vice-Presidential nominee, who touts a financial plan that does not measure up with respect to integrity or arithmetic), Donald Trump, that plumber person and anyone who can throw millions of dollars towards him and his Party. These are the people who do not question why Citizens United was created or why such scandalously huge amounts of money are buying our democracy.

These are the people who do not realize they are being brainwashed to support the Party and that should their nominee win, they will be discarded in favor of the big business entities that their Party courts and ministers to. These are the people who would take us back to the excesses of the Bush Administration which caused the economic meltdown that is still with us today.

These are the people who will not admit that despite the horror and magnitude of the inherited mess, the other Party has still managed to accomplish many wonderful things, such as saving the auto industry and ridding the world of Bin Laden, as well as saving this country from a very real economic catastrophe caused by the Bush Administration.

These are the people who cannot understand that when one has opposition and lack of co-operation in the Congress and Party members determined to see failure, it is nigh impossible to continue to mend a lot of the wounds inflicted by many years of mismanagement by the previous Administration. These are the people who are incapable of understanding that more time is needed to fix what has been done by the Bush years and the lack of co-operation of Republican Congress members determined to see the President fail. These are the people who are rooting for failure of this President and the country and refuse to show any joy when there is good news, preferring instead to make accusations of trickery and deceit.

These are the people who may find themselves in trouble in the future and need government assistance (yes, it can happen) but they will just have to fend for themselves under a Republican administration. These are the people who do not realize that when their Presidential nominee says with alacrity that he will eliminate “every non-essential program”, he means Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, infrastructure issues and what Republicans call “Obamacare”, or any health program that is government-run.

These are the people who talk about a “voucher system” for Medicare that would not keep up with changing financial situations. These are the people who will do away with essential social government programs so as to afford to give tax cuts to their rich buddies and donors. These are the people who seem to regard decaying bridges, roads, and clean air, etc. as unimportant. These are the people who attract and fool only the ignorant, gullible and uninformed and spit in the faces of those who see through their lies. These are the people who are displaying the arrogance of having obscene amounts of money donated to their Party leading them to the belief that they are untouchable and unaccountable.

These are people who do not ask their Presidential nominee to be more specific about his plans for this country and blithely accept his detail-free rhetoric which consists mainly of overall criticism of the President and his compassion for those less fortunate.
These are the people whose Presidential nominee changes his detail-free positions on issues, depending on the needs of the audience he is addressing. These are the people whose Presidential nominee will opportunistically adopt the favorably received positions of the other Party despite having positions to the contrary for many months. These are the people whose Presidential nominee lied outrageously in his first Debate with the President and as a projection of his own behavior, accused the President also of lying. These are the people whose Presidential nominee would tell you that black is white, if it suited his purposes.

These are the people who do not understand that, despite political differences, respect for the President is appropriate. These are the people who prefer to hurl insults and nasty descriptive terms at their President. These are the people whose Presidential nominee does not think it necessary to tell the truth to the American people. These are the people who would leave behind those in trouble, and pander to their rich donors and friends.

These are the people who do not question their Presidential nominee as to why his documented views have changed radically over the years and why he is so anti-government when government has been good to him for many years.

These are the people who should ask their Presidential nominee why he is so outraged by scrutiny of his history when he is running for the top job in the nation. These are the people who feel entitled to the top job (“It’s OUR time now”) and will do anything to secure it, even if it means lying and misrepresenting the other Party’s words. These are the people who dishonestly and very deliberately skew words to their advantage to send the message that the other Party does not give due credit to individuals for starting businesses. These are the people who will not tell you that the other Party correctly points out that one does not start a business by oneself and that there are many people involved such as employees, financial backers, and possibly there is government assistance. These are the people whose lies, secrecy and misrepresentation of issues are unforgivable. These are the people who will accept stimulus money privately, whilst disparaging it as waste in public.

These are the people who have said they are not going to allow their campaign to be dictated by fact-checkers.

These are the people whose Presidential nominee did not think that our serving military personnel and veterans were worth a mention in his Convention speech, even as he would be their Commander-in-Chief should he become President. These are the people whose Presidential nominee offends not only our military men and women, but manages to offend our friends overseas.

These are the people whose Presidential nominee inserts himself improperly into a recent sensitive and dangerous situation in the Middle East, using it unapologetically as an opportunity for a stump speech on the backs of the dead. These are the people whose Presidential nominee does not appreciate that a united front is important in a world of unrest and that incendiary and downright stupid comments criticizing the President and accusing him of sympathizing with the perpetrators of violence and death, do not help towards peace and our standing in the world community. These are the people whose Presidential nominee continues to use the tragedy in Libya politically even as he upsets the victims’ families.

These are the people whose Presidential nominee obviously believes that nothing is sacred and that even if people get hurt along the way, he arrogantly and coldly believes that the end justifies the means. These are the people whose Presidential nominee is a danger to world peace and America’s security with his hawkish, bullish and bullying remarks and his contempt for diplomacy.

These are the people whose Presidential nominee’s words at a private fundraiser showed his true character and his contempt and lack of compassion for those who have fallen on hard times.

These are the people whose Presidential nominee arrogantly and heartlessly lectured those less fortunate and chastised them for actually daring to need food, housing, health care and all the things he himself has in abundance – and then some. These are the people whose Presidential nominee would characterize this help as “big government”, when in truth, he believes the needy would be a financial drain on finances needed to feather his nest and the nests of his fellow rich buddies via tax breaks, etc.

These are the people whose Presidential nominee showed his lack of interest in anyone who cannot further his ambition. These are the people whose Presidential nominee appears unable to understand that the office of the President actually comes with some responsibility and active participation, as evidenced by his woeful lack of understanding of foreign affairs, his obvious neglect of research into important issues and his belief that certain situations like immigration and the Israeli/Palestinian troubles can be solved by “self-deportation” and abandonment.

These are the people whose Presidential nominee wants us to forget about the abysmal legacy of his tenure as Governor in Massachusetts.

These are the people whose Presidential nominee wants us to forget his contempt for 47% of the electorate and his description of them as “victims” who feel entitled to government help. These are the people whose Presidential nominee wants us to forget his lack of compassion for people daring to need food, housing and health care, by pretending a sudden, transparently insincere love for the middle class and needy. These are the people whose Presidential nominee crassly uses the death of a young military man in Afghanistan in order to pretend his compassion for and support of the military during a stump speech. These are the people supporting a Presidential nominee whose Bain Capital-owned Sensata company heartlessly required its American workers to train Chinese workers, then ruthlessly fired them as their jobs went overseas with the newly-trained Chinese. These are the people who refuse to remove advertisements that are patently false, because they believe they are “working” for them, even as they misinform. These are the people supporting a Presidential nominee who shows no shame about his changing positions and lies, unapologetically doubling down on all the deceit, and subsequently confusing voters.

These are the people who have been caught committing voter fraud, and suggesting to employers that they tell their employees how to vote, illustrating their lack of integrity and need to win at any cost.

These are the people who should ask their Presidential nominee why his Party does not want the Justice Department to investigate voter suppression and tell him that voting is an inalienable right and should never, ever be tampered with.


WARNING: Vice President Biden tells us that President Obama has a big stick, but Mitt Romney has an even bigger middle finger that he is holding up without shame in the face of social and economic justice and those who would hold him accountable.

My name is Suzanne Langland and I approve this message.
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