Is America better off being run like a for-profit corporation
Or like a non-profit entity?


First, you need to understand the difference between the two.

For-Profit Corporation: The purpose of a FOR-profit corporation, like Bain Capital, or Bank of America, or WalMart, is to maximize shareholder value - nothing else . This type of business entity is NOT and never has been intended to consider the human element, except in marketing, which determines how best to obtain money FROM people. A Corporation is NOT intended to concern itself with what happens to the corporation's employees if the employee pension fund is looted by shareholders, the business declares bankruptcy and is shut down, because that will yield the highest profit for the investors. The point of the exercise of a for-profit corporation is simply to make a great deal of money. Ideally, to make its investors even more wealthy than they already are. For-profit corporations typically object to environmental, safety, and monetary regulations which are designed to protect the general population, because they see those regulations as hampering their ability to make more money. Likewise, they object to labor unions, whose purpose is to protect the rights of the workers. Corporations are not concerned with anything except bottom line profitability. Leaders of for-profit corporations have been schooled to view each new job with the same eyes they have used to run other for-profit corporations. Top level CEO's of for-profit corporations are paid a great deal of money because they are sufficiently ruthless to do whatevever it takes in order to ensure corporate profitability. That's their job.

A Non-Profit Entity, on the other hand, is an organization which is operated primarily for service, charitable, scientific, educational or other similar purposes. It is NOT organized to maximize profit; and uses its net proceeds to maintain, improve and/or expand its operations. The non-profit entity is concerned with ensuring the joint benefit to the many, as opposed to maximizing the profit of the few. The leader of this type of organization views his responsibility as a caretaker who is responsible for the safety, education, health, and financial wellbeing of his entire organization, without the need or the requirement to play favorites.

You have two candidates.

The philosophies of each of the two candidates fall at opposite ends of the leadership spectrum.

Mitt Romney has successfully run for-profit corporations, and functioned as a single term governor of a state which gave him a 39% approval rating. Romney issued 844 vetos as governor, over 700 of which were overturned by the Massachusetts legislature. During his final year as governor all 250 of his line-item vetoes were overturned. Upon entering office, Romney faced a $3 billion deficit. Upon leaving office in January 2007 (the middle of fiscal year 2007), Romney argued that he had left the state with a large budget surplus, after he cut hundreds of millions of dollars of programs, but in reality, Massachusetts' deficit under Romney's leadership ballooned from $3 million to $307.1 million for fiscal 2007. On a personal level, Romney tended to deal with only the leadership of the state legislature, by and large avoiding political or social relationships with average members.

Barack Obama went from being a successful community organizer (Community organizing is a process where people who live in proximity to each other come together into an organization that acts in their shared self-interest.) to being a popular United States Senator, twice re-elected by the people of Illinois. In 2008 he was elected President of the United States, receiving the most votes for a presidential candidate in American history. He inherited two wars, a staggering deficit, a deeply troubled economy, and lock-step obstructionism from Republicans on any attempt to create jobs and improve the economy. The goals he has managed to meet are in stark contrast to the opposition he has faced during his first four years in office. In 2010, Republican Speaker of the House Mitch McConnell acknowledged his party's refusal to permit any bipartisan support intended to get the country back on its feet, saying, “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.” The President's current approval ratings are at 48%. In order to overcome Republican obstructionism and move the country forward, Democrats will need 67 of the 100 seats in the Senate and 290 seats in the house.

Among the Senate seats up for election in 2012, there are 21 Democrats, 10 Republicans and 2 Independents. The 2012 United States House of Representatives elections will be held on November 6, 2012. Elections will be held for all 435 seats, representing the 50 U.S. states.

What kind of country do YOU choose to live in. ?

One that is operated for the benefit of the many, or one that is operated for the financial gain of the few?.