

These are the talented

of Bedtime-Story.com

For the Busy Business-Parent
Whimsical Bedtime Stories
for Children Of All Ages

Yahoo proclaimed Bedtime-Story the Number One Children's Story Site on the Web.

The Authors and Illustrators of Bedtime-Story

ALL TALES at Bedtime-Story are illustrated.
Interim graphics by staff artists are provided until a featured illustrator is approved.

Each featured tale displays Author and Illustrator Bio
E-mail links to both, plus links to the Illustrators own web site*

Interested in having samples of YOUR artwork featured at no charge?
See Submission Instructions.

AUTHORS: In Alphabetical Order:

Augustin, Yvonne Cinderella, the Real Story
The Birth
The Dude's New Duds animated frame

The Ragdoll -ARTIST
Stories Worth Talking About

Gilbert, Jon C. The Sleepmaster-ARTIST
Guirella's Gift-ARTIST
Stories Worth Talking About

Meyers, Jeff Gilbert Henry Tries Again-ARTIST
Collector of Tears Stories Worth Talking About

AUTHORS: In Alphabetical Order:


More Choices For the Illustrator:
Selections for Portfolio Displays

Porfolios selected for inclusion
are hosted at no charge to Illustrators

(* Children's Illustrator's personal web sites
must be ranked family safe for link inclusion)

NAME with
E-Mail Link
(Reproduction of any content
without the express written permission
of Bedtime-Story is prohibited



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Bedtime-Story™ - Copyright Info
All Rights Reserved.

Stories and Illustrations found on this site are exclusive to Bedtime-Story.com
Reproduction of any content without the express
written permission of Bedtime-Story is prohibited.


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